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The Clarkstown Central School District NYSED Technology Plan 2022-2025 has been approved by the New York State Department of Education and can be reviewed here. 

Tech Loaner Program Icon



Loaner Agreement

For each student to receive a loaner device, their parent / guardian must complete the  CCSD Technology Loaner Program online form which includes the following Loaner Agreement:

I have reviewed the contents of following Clarkstown Central School District (“District”) Policies and Regulations: 

By signing this Agreement and / or accepting possession of a District device, I acknowledge all applicable terms and conditions relating to the care and use of a loaner device issued by the District as well as use of the District’s computer network. The student and/or their parent/guardian further acknowledges and agrees to the following:

  • The equipment is, and at all times, the property of the District and is being lent to the student for educational purposes at home and in school.

  • Should the above-named student violate the terms of this Agreement, loaner device and computer network privileges may be revoked. 

  • Certain violations of these terms  may also constitute a criminal offense.

  • In the event of theft, loss or damage to the device, the student and the parent/guardian is to report it to the District by the next school day following the occurrence.  The student and/or parent/guardian shall be responsible for the cost of repair of the device, less warranty coverage.  If the student withdraws from the District, the equipment must be returned to the District. 

  • If the student does not return the laptop and related equipment, the student and/or parent/guardian will be charged a fee that will be the equivalent of the current replacement/repair cost. A police report may also be filed, and restitution could be secured through the court system.