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Pupil Personnel Services

The Pupil Personnel Department is responsible for coordinating and providing a variety of services to all students in Clarkstown Central School District.  The Pupil Personnel Staff includes school psychologists and student assistance counselors.These staff assist with providing assessments, counseling, educational and therapeutic support services to ensure a comprehensive education program for all students. This department oversees the following areas:  
  • Home Instruction
  • Home Schooling
  • McKinney Vento (Homeless Students)
  • District Crisis Team (provide social emotional support for students)
  • 504 Accommodation Plan coordination and supervision
  • Social Emotional Curriculum and planning for students
  • Oversight of bullying prevention programs,substance abuse,behavior intervention
  • Students with excessive absences


Erin Ginsberg
Supervisor of Pupil Personnel Services
Phone: (845) 639-6475
Fax: (845) 639-6392