Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
The Office of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Office at Clarkstown Central School District oversees all of the Special Education, Related Services and 504 accommodations for students that are instructed within our district. Our department focuses on supporting all students in the least restrictive environment and helping students achieve to the best of their ability. These services are offered in a continuum throughout each of our 13 schools and beyond. The Special Education & Pupil Personnel Office oversees the following departments:
- Committee on Preschool Education
- Committee on Special Education
- Section 504 Accommodation Plan
- Home Schooling
- Homebound Instruction
- Incarcerated Youth Services
- McKinney–Vento-Homeless Education
- High School Equivalency Diploma Exam Services
- Related/Support Services such as:
- Psychological Services
- Student Assistance Counselors
- Speech/Hearing Services
- Occupational Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Behavioral Consultation
- Vision Services
We have a solid relationship with the community and understand that the success of our students relies on our collaboration with their families, teachers, and the community members. The Office of Special Education & Pupil Personnel Services is available to answer your questions related to any of these departments or services
David Carlson
Assistant Superintendent for Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
Phone: (845) 639-6482
Fax: (845) 639-6782