Community Task Force
The Clarkstown Community Task Force was founded by the Clarkstown Central School District in February 1997 as a community-based response to the results of the 1996 PRIDE survey. The survey was administered again in 1999 and 2002. The Task Force is comprised of three subcommittees: Parent/Community Outreach, Safer Schools/Safer Community and Student Alternative Activities. Representatives from all aspects of our community, including students, are involved and anyone interested in participating is welcome. Four general meetings of the Clarkstown Community Task Force are held annually, while each subcommittee meets independently during the year.
Click here to view the Resource Booklet.
Mission Statement
Utilizing the results of the PRIDE surveys for guidance, the Clarkstown Community Task Force is charged with formulating a comprehensive approach aimed toward the reduction in use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and other drugs by minors and providing a safer environment within our community.
Parent/Community Outreach
One of the major findings in the survey was that there was a perceived lack of communication between parents and their children. Furthermore, the community was not as aware as they could be of some of the issues (i.e. alcohol and alcohol poisoning, binge drinking, tobacco, inhalants and drugs) that impact our youth. In addition, there was a need to work, as a community, on issues such as teen parties, host liability and limiting the sale of "illegal" substances to minors.
The Parent/Community Outreach subcommittee continually seeks ways to raise the awareness levels of, as well as provide opportunities for, the community to meet with specialists and discuss these important issues. The subcommittee works cooperatively with other groups in Clarkstown and Rockland County to advance its goals.
Only Two Will Do
Only Two Will Do is a comprehensive community collaboration among the Rockland County District Attorney’s Office, community organizations, towns, villages, police departments, high schools and licensed retailers of alcoholic beverages. Their shared goal is to change the cultural norms regarding underage drinking and create another barrier to prevent youth from purchasing alcohol illegally.
Adopt a Class
The literature in health education clearly notes the significant positive affect and effect of peer-to-peer interaction. The message of positive health attitudes, behaviors, choices and decisions is very influential when high school students speak to middle school students. This is a cooperative effort between police, the District and students from Felix Festa Middle School, Clarkstown High School North and Clarkstown High School South. High school student volunteers receive a two-hour training for their presentations on alcohol, tobacco, other drug and violence prevention that they then give at the middle school. High schoolers meet with Grade 6 teachers to discuss their presentations each week. Some seventh- and eighth-grade classes also participate. The entire program lasts approximately 10 weeks.
BCL Solutions
After a presentation on the results of the PRIDE survey to the Board of Education in 1996, a recommendation was made by the Clarkstown Community Task Force's Safer Schools/Safer Homes subcommittee to have an outside agency evaluate each of the school buildings in the Clarkstown Central School District. The private consulting firm BCL Solutions was hired to develop a comprehensive program to evaluate, assess and implement safety plans for students and staff. In addition, they worked with students and staff on conflict resolution. BCL Solutions has also provided all of the staff development for mock disasters as well as the establishment of building and District safety teams. This plan began in 1997 and, as of 2002, has trained all 15 buildings and the District Safety Team.
This video tells the story of three youngsters who made different decisions about using alcohol, tobacco and other drugs. They speak candidly about those choices* and how they affected them, their lives and families. It provides up-close-and-personal information regarding the reasoning behind a young person's choices to use or not, with the hope that it will springboard an initial or continued discussion on the subject. By keeping the lines of communication open and honest, adults can help young people make the right choices. In addition to the video presentation, qualified personnel facilitate a Q&A session.
*Choices that have been made are not always the choices that are adhered to. The possibility exists that some of the choices made by the students in this video have changed since it was produced.
Choices II: A Choice Not To
This is the latest in the Clarkstown Community Task Force's video production series. Teenagers are often depicted as using alcohol and other drugs, giving the perception that everybody does it; however, this is not the reality. This video acts as a catalyst for communication and involvement between parents, their children and students themselves. Students from Clarkstown High School North and Clarkstown High School South, who have made the choice not to, were interviewed regarding why they made the specific choices they did. It is not scripted or rehearsed.
Clarkstown PROMise
Events such as homecoming, junior ball and senior prom provide the opportunity for our students and parents to hire private car services, buses and limousines. In an attempt to raise awareness and seek unity partnership within the community, the Clarkstown Community Task Force has constructed a set of voluntary contracts between students, parents and limousine/car/bus services that establish a set of expectations and parameters by which all must abide. Contracts are sent out annually to all and a listing of those companies completing the contract is distributed twice a year.
Driving Impact Panel
Offered through STOP-DWI of Rockland, educational programs geared toward teenagers are customized to meet school needs. They are designed to increase awareness and promote the message that the consumption of alcoholic beverages, or any other drug, and driving can be deadly. The program takes approximately 50 minutes and is presented by certified educational consultants. Victim Impact panels are also held four times a year at the Fire Training Center in Pomona. The panelists speak briefly about drunk driving crashes in which they or a loved one were injured or killed. For more information on either program, contact Bill GraviDa (STOP-DWI) at (845) 638-5095 or the Task Force at (845) 639-6415.
Drug Awareness Training/Drug Impairment Training for Educational Professionals
A nationally-validated training program provided by the New York State Police and aimed at providing early intervention, this provides school personnel with a systematic approach to recognizing, approaching and evaluating individuals in the academic environment who are using and are impaired by drugs. A secondary training is provided to school nurses in the administering of a standardized assessment tool.
Internet Safety
This is a special presentation to parents by the Clarkstown Police Department and the Clarkstown Community Task Force. It demonstrates procedure, strategies and programs available to them to help monitor their children's internet use.
Networking for Prevention
One of the largest factors in prevention is raising awareness. Networking for Prevention, produced strictly through volunteer efforts, brings information on topics such as bullying, binge drinking, alcohol poisoning, designer drugs, inhalants and marijuana directly into the home. Furthermore, it provides prevention strategies for all age groups, plain talk discussions of "popular" illegal substances and their affects on behavior, conflict management techniques and follow-up resources for additional assistance. Raising awareness and providing parenting help, information and resources has been shown to reduce those risk factors and enhance protective ones. If you are interested in helping, please contact Lorette Adams at (845) 358-8032.
Parent to Parent
This is a special networking program for parents designed to meet in a small setting, possibly even at a designated home. These parent-to-parent meetings will be facilitated by experienced professionals with the sole purpose of developing strategies, techniques and methods of communicating the deleterious effects of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs to their children. One of the three meetings will include a presentation from a Clarkstown police officer, who will demonstrate and discuss various drug "trends" by our youth. This setting will be very conducive to empowering parents with the ability to meet and network with others.
Project Void/Alcohol Poisoning Impact Panel
This video is written and produced by the students and community of Peter's Township, Pennsylvania, and covers the general issue of underage drinking with a focus on host liability, binge drinking, alcohol poisoning and driving under the influence. It concludes with personal reflections from a former Clarkstown student, Jonathan Leano, whose older brother, Matthew, was a victim of alcohol poisoning. An impact panel comprised of Matthew's mother, Maxine Leano, a Clarkstown police officer, a town judge and a member of the local ambulance corp. relates personal experiences and answers questions. Due to schedules, all members of the panel may not be available; however, every attempt to provide appropriate personnel will be made.
Safe Homes
Safe Homes is a program designed to facilitate communication between parents who sign a voluntary pledge to provide a supervised, safe and substance-free environment. A directory of supporting participants is distributed annually. For more information, contact the Task Force at (845) 639-6415.
Senior Transition Workshops
Life After High School is a program designed and implemented by the School Counseling centers at Clarkstown High School North and Clarkstown High School South, in cooperation with members of the Clarkstown Community Task Force. It is designed to address the issues, situations and questions that our students will be confronted with as they graduate and enter college, the workforce or the service. Students select three of the nine workshops offered: Partying 101; Dating Dilemmas; How to Work Smarter, Not Harder; How to Succeed in the Working World; Money Management; Living with Others; Finding Your Niche; The Pros and Cons of Commuting to School; and the Body Trap. Information from each workshop, as well as pamphlets and brochures covering pertinent topics, are given to each student.
Teen Parties: Truth, Consequences and the Law
This is the first video production undertaken by the Clarkstown Community Task Force in an attempt to raise awareness on civil and criminal liabilities pertaining to underage drinking and parties in the home (whether the homeowner is present or not) and on the property. It was produced cooperatively with the Clarkstown Central School District, the Clarkstown Police Department and Clarkstown Justice Court, and utilizes the talents of the Rockland Players. Following the video, a representative from the police department and a judge speak on the topic. An opportunity for discussion and a Q&A completes the program.
Safer Schools/Safer Community
To address the perception of safety, the Safer Schools/Safer Community subcommittee has sought to find, and implement, methods of equipping our students and the community with skills to reduce conflict situations and provide a safer environment. One of its major goals is to train students, parents, educators, employers and community members in conflict resolution, peer mediation and violence prevention. Such training serves to empower individuals (i.e. parents, educators, etc.) to identify signs, symptoms and patterns of antisocial behavior.
In a follow-up survey, it was determined that there is a lack of information on available resources in our schools and community. The subcommittee is working to address this as well as seeking out additional programs that will enhance those already in place.
Student Alternative Activities
The results of the PRIDE surveys revealed that our youth refrain from "questionable" activities during the school day; however, the majority of these behaviors are evident after school, during evenings and on weekends. The Student Alternative Activities subcommittee concentrates its efforts on planning, and implementing, substance-free evening and weekend activities to help mitigate boredom and decrease alcohol/other drug abuse. It consists of students, staff and community members from Felix Festa Middle School, Clarkstown High School North, Clarkstown High School South and Nanuet Senior High School. In addition to planning activities, the subcommittee is working with the Town of Clarkstown's Recreation Department to expand those offered and establish a teen center for Clarkstown.
Related Programs and Information:
- Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
- Strengthening Families Program
- Dignity for All
- Resources and Presentations
- Support Staff
Olweus Bullying Prevention Program
Thanks to the initiative of the Clarkstown Community Task Force, the Olweus Bullying Prevention Program has been implemented in almost all of our elementary schools, Felix Festa Middle School and the Birchwood School. Furthermore, it serves as the basis for Clarkstown North and Clarkstown South’s high school initiatives. With over 35 years of research behind it, the Olweus program has been successfully implemented all over the world. It is a long-term, system-wide program for change involving components at the school, classroom, individual and community levels.
The following website, sponsored by Hazelden, provides information on the prevention of addictions, bullying, dating violence and suicide. You can access free webinars and articles that specifically address bullying prevention:
Strengthening Families Program
The Strengthening Families Program is an internationally-recognized family skills training program that significantly reduces behavior problems, delinquency and alcohol/drug abuse, and improves social competencies and school performance in children. Developed by University of Utah professor Dr. Karol Kumpfer, it has been proven effective in 50 states and 17 foreign countries. The Clarkstown Community Task Force, in conjunction with CANDLE, in the past had been able to offer the program to Clarkstown families. We are proud to announce that the Strengthening Families Program is now available for in-home use through the efforts of MADD.
The home version of the Strengthening Families Program contains the same research-proven content and includes 10, 30-minute lessons for parents and kids to watch together along with a 16-page guidebook and downloadable handouts. Reaching parents and kids together results in a huge increase in family bonding and a dramatic decrease in alcohol/drug use. For additional information and lessons, see the Related Links section below. Highlights of the program include:
- Research-proven skills that build a child's relationship with their family and prevent alcohol/drug use
- More than 100 downloadable handouts and tracking sheets
- Relatable adult and youth hosts
- Engaging real family therapists
- Deals with real-life problems and solutions
Related Links:
1. Notice and Compliment the Good Daily
2. Communication Skills & Family Meetings
3. The 5 R's for Successful Families
4. Limits, Consequences, Encourage Good Behavior
5. Problem Solving & Negotiation
8. How Alcohol & Other Drugs Hijack the Brain
Dignity for All
Bullying and Cyberbullying: a Legal Perspective
Bullying Is Not Inevitable: What We Can Do About It
Bullying Prevention Information
Bullying Prevention Policy and Regulation with Task Force Input
CNET Article: "Study - Digital Abuse Hits Half Of Youth"
Dignity for All Presentation: January 20, 2011
Dignity for All Presentation: October 3, 2011
Effectiveness of Programmes to Reduce School Bullying
NYSIR: the Role of School Districts Anti-Cyberbullying Measures
Resources and Presentations
This helpful article discusses the possible link between addiction and ADHD, and how it can be addressed before addiction takes control.
Members of the LGBTQ community may have a heightened risk of addiction, but there are lots of ways for these individuals to seek help.
PRIDE Survey Presentations:
Support Staff
Student Assistance Counselors (SACs):
- Carol Lagstein | (845) 639-6460 | Chestnut Grove Administrative Offices
- Jennifer Mitru | (845) 639-5618 | Chestnut Grove Administrative Offices
- Mary Beth Coakley | (845) 639-6482 | Clarkstown High School North
- Susan Gold | (845) 639-6573 | Clarkstown High School North
- Shari Ovadia-Kallenberg | (845) 639-6501 | Clarkstown High School North
- Nancy Seery Wilson | (845) 624-3477 | Clarkstown High School South
- Susan Solar | (845) 624-3438 | Clarkstown High School South
- Diane Cleary | (845) 624-3970 | Felix Festa Middle School
- Dawn Falborn | (845) 624-3970 | Felix Festa Middle School
- Jodi Janis | (845) 624-3970 | Felix Festa Middle School
- Laura Anello-Vail | (845) 624-3494 x4514 | Laurel Plains and Link elementary schools
- Jennifer Wolf | (845) 639-6320 | Little Tor and Lakewood elementary schools
- Donald James | (845) 624-3494 | Little Tor, New City and West Nyack elementary schools
- Theresa Dowd | Strawtown and Woodglen elementary schools
School Psychologists:
Rita Schmidt | (845) 639-6460 | Bardonia Elementary School
Jaime DiGirolamo | (845) 639-6480 | Birchwood School
Lindsay Popilskis | Birchwood School
Joseph Yanni | Birchwood School
Carolyn Newell | (845) 624-3474 | Birchwood School and Chestnut Grove Administrative Offices
Marc Rauch | (845) 639-6480 | Birchwood School and Woodglen Elementary School
Caryn Friedland | (845) 639-6350 | Chestnut Grove Administrative Offices
Jennifer Catina | (845) 639-6501 | Clarkstown High School North
Stephanie Melendez | Clarkstown High School North
Katrina Chulla | Clarkstown high schools North and South
Jessica Davis | Clarkstown high schools North and South
Anton Feldi | Clarkstown High School South
Laura Goodman | (845) 624-3400 | Clarkstown High School South
Kathleen Klassen | (845) 624-3410 | Clarkstown High School South
Stephanie Mazzone | Clarkstown High School South
Michelle Peduto | (845) 624-3400 | Clarkstown High School South
Marissa Christensen | Clarkstown High School South, and Link and Woodglen elementary schools
Amy Avecilla | (845) 624-3484 | Felix Festa Middle School
Diane Benjamin | (845) 624-3973 x5848 | Felix Festa Middle School
Tonia Driscoll | (845) 624-3971 x5346 | Felix Festa Middle School
Susan Heyman | (845) 639-6393 | Felix Festa Middle School
Veronica Valentine | (845) 624-3969 | Felix Festa Middle School
Ann Harnett | (845) 639-6320 | Lakewood Elementary School
Elizabeth Bennett | (845) 624-3417 | Lakewood, Laurel Plains and Strawtown elementary schools
Jennifer Grundstein | Link Elementary School
Carla Zambri | (845) 624-3471 | Little Tor and New City elementary schools
Dara Nevins | (845) 624-3970 | New City and Lakewood elementary schools
Kristen Byrne | New City and Little Tor elementary schools
Rima Sayegh | West Nyack Elementary School
Meredith Grant | (845) 624-3417 | Woodglen Elementary School
George Groth | (845) 639-6330 | Woodglen and Strawtown elementary schools